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Why Branding is important

Updated: Jan 26, 2024

In this Blog post we will be exploring the concept of branding and the reasons branding is important. In the world of business and entrepreneurship having a unique identity is the one of the first things to consider if you are someone who aspires and desires to make the decision to transition away from the 9-5 rat race and embrace working for yourself and owning your own business.

In order to understand why branding is important we have to first look into the meaning of a brand. For those individuals who are starting out embarking on their entrepreneurial journey a brand is defined as a unique mark, logo, name, word or sentence that a company/business uses to set itself apart from its competitors who sell, manufacture similar products or provide similar services (think of Nike and Addias they both sell shoes and active sports wear but are different brands). (Likewise McDonalds and Burger King both sell burgers and French fries but are both different fast food chain brands).

Branding is defined as the way a company markets and advertises the products and services it provides to its customers and clients. Branding can also be defined as the act of giving a company a particular design or symbol in order to advertise its products and

services. For more information on branding click the following link.

The First reason why branding is so important is that you want to make sure your company has a name that stands out from the competition and is not something that sounds generic or cliché your brand can be a family name, a symbol a shape a series of colors, shapes, a picture of your pet even a word or phrase. An example of a brand name could be “Ant Carpentry” the logo could be the image of an ant carrying a leave to represent the level of dedication and hard work your company puts into providing high quality carpentry service to the clients you work with because in nature the ant is a dedicated and hard working insect. Of coarse this is only an example and not a real company brand but as a graphic designer expressing creative brand ideas you get the picture I’m visually painting here.

The second reason why branding is so important is you want your company name to be something your clients and customers never forget when they walk away with your business card, click on to your website and scroll through you company social media pages. In a nutshell your brand has to be memorable.

The third reason branding is important is because a little something called intellectual property. In other words suppose your company comes up with an awesome idea to invent a specific product that is unlike anything the world has ever seen or you provide a service that meets the needs of your target audience in ways your competitors in your industry do not. You want to make sure that your brand that provides these products or services is protected and you own the rights to everything under your brand name that is where intellectual property comes into play because intellectual property protects your brand from copied and misused. For more information, checkout the following link.

Branding & Intellectual Property

The Fourth reason branding is important is that branding is the face of your business and makes your business more valuable. Branding effects the way your company is perceived and how the products and services your company provides are received.

The Fifth and final reason branding is important has a lot to do with Trust. When people become familiar with your brand name, logo, products, services, social media campaigns and whatever your brand is about, your brand then develops a reputation and through that professional reputation, you cultivate trust between your brand and your customers and clients.

There are many more reasons why branding is so important but for the sake of this blog post we will just stick to the five reasons listed above. Are you curious to find out more about why branding is important for your business? The following link to an article on branding can help. - :~:text= 6 reasons why a strong brand is,Branding supports advertising Advertising is another important... More

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