By Christen Foster
In this blog post I will be discussing and sharing my advice and experience for the ideal creative workspaces for entrepreneurs. When it comes to workspaces in general I understand and I am fully aware that throughout the US the vast majority of workspaces may vary based on your location. In other words workspaces in New York may be different than the available workspaces in Los Angles so on and so forth. So, with that said I will be discussing some of the creative workspaces that I have been to where Iive.

Work bar
The first workspace that I highly recommend would be Workbar. Workbar is a workspace that offers top-notch work spaces for teams and private offices for individuals who prefer to work alone. Not to mention; Work bar also provide meeting rooms stocked with full amenities. The best part about Work bar is that work bar offers member discounts and a free day to utilize its workspace if you are visiting Work bar for the first time. When I visited Work bar for the first time to work on creating content for a project I was creating I was amazed at how clean and professional workbar’s workspace was. From the open work spaces to the way each private office featured flat screen TV’s for having virtual conference calls, the atmosphere looked and felt absolutely amazing to me. Like it’s namesake Work bar also has a mini bar for anyone who enjoys a good drink while they work and mingle with their team and make some new connections. For more information on Work bar click the following link:

We Work
My next choice for the ideal creative workspace is We Work. We work is a workspace that was established for growing start up companies and the moment you walk in the door you get the feeling of creativity and innovation. We Work is definitely not your typical 9-5 corporate cubical soul draining workspace, it’s a workspace designed and customize for any size company to give both employees, entrepreneurs and their guests feel comfortable and able to perform at their best.
For more information about We Work click the following link to learn more.

OK ,I know what you are thinking “Starbucks”? and the answer is yes I chose to list Starbucks as an ideal creative workspace not just because of the coffee and tea they sell but because Starbucks also offers a workspace atmosphere and free WI-Fi connection the only catch is some Starbucks locations that I have been to required me to buy something in order to use their free WI-Fi connection. All in all before the whole pandemic situation took place it was OK to come in and sit down and enjoy a nice cup of whatever you like to drink while you check your emails or follow with a client during your 9am meeting.

Café Nero
Another coffee shop that also doubles as an ideal creative workspace is Café Nero,
Who not only sell pastries, sandwiches, and a wide variety of teas and coffee but also had a space where you could sit down with your laptop and catch up on writing blog articles, create content and get together with your team, coworkers, and clients.

My last choice for ideal creative work spaces would be any local library.
Most libraries require absolute silence out of the consideration and courtesy of other people in the library who are busy working not to mention the library is a space that has many different places and programs to help foster creativity, research anything you want to know when it comes to creativity and starting and maintain your own business. The library vibe is very peaceful and inviting. Some libraries offer special conference rooms that you can reserve for meetings and any special events and as long as you have a library card and make the reservation for the room in advance and if the room you want is available at the time then you will have your very own personal workspace to work in for the day.
So there you have it my list of the ideal creative work spaces to visit and work in. Do you have any suggestions or ideas for ideal creative work spaces that were not mentioned in this blog post? Feel free to leave a comment and let me know and who knows maybe it will be featured in the next blog post of ideal work spaces. The link to my blog is below.