As a business owner it can be very fulfilling when you developed a concept for your company brand but when it comes to designing a logo it is best to leave the logo designing to the professionals. In this blog post we will explore the reasons you shouldn’t DIY your logo.
· The first reason to not DIY your logo is that logo design is best left to the design experts who specialize in logo design, understand the logo design standards and have years of training in the business of designing logos.
· Most logo are design to specific size detentions and have to be both visible, scalable and legible whenever logos are displayed on either a printed document or digital media such as a website or a social media page. Moreover many social media platforms such as Facebook and Twitter have specific guidelines as to the way logo images are uploaded and displayed on their websites.
· A professional Graphic Designer can bring out the best and ideal look of your logo concept that reflects your company brand, mission statement, and company values. A professional graphic designer can even help coordinate the right fonts and color scheme that best fits and represents your brand.
· You want to make a great first impression with your business/brand with your logo and build a solid connection with your customer/client base, without creating a logo that looks similar to want another company’s logo looks like. In other words your logo is the face of your business and a well-designed logo design is the equivalent of professional business owner making a first impression at a networking event.
· Lastly you should DIY your logo because its easy to tell a well designed logo verses a logo that was not professionally designed and that could actually end up hurting your business in the long run.
In conclusion there are many reasons to not DIY a logo design however for the sake of this blog post we wanted to keep it short and simple. If you are a business owner looking for a new logo design feel free to get in touch at the following link:https://www.originalfosterdesign.com/design-services