So, you decided to start your very own business awesome! You spent 4 plus years studying at some prestigious university earning a degree you only to end up working paycheck to paycheck for some company that has absolutely nothing to do with what you went to school for just to make a living *gasp! * But deep down you are not happy because you are unfulfilled.
Then somewhere in the back of your mind you have the brilliant idea to become an entrepreneur.
*Good for you;* you go through the process of discovering the type of business you want to create; you develop a business plan and before you know it you have your first customer or client. But you want to take your business to the next level. The question is how do I (meaning you the reader) take your business to the next level? In this blog post we will be exploring 5 resources to help you take your business to the next level.
The 5 resources we will be coving in this blog post are the following.
· Graphic Design and branding services
· Marketing Services
· Financial Management services
· Communication Services
· Networking Services

Graphic Design services are the first resource to help business owners grow their business because without a catchy eye-opening logo or brand to draw people’s attention your company is less likely to attract potential customers and clients as a result your company will not bring in any revenue. That is where graphic design companies like Original Foster Design come in to play. Original Foster design specializes in logo design, corporate identity/brand design, concept development for your company if you have a company brand idea but you are not sure how to bring your idea to life. Original Foster Design can help creatively and visually tell the story of your company mission and vision.

Marketing services are the next resource to help grow your business. Having a flashy eye-catching brand for your company is cool and useful however in order to get the word out about the goods, services, and overall value your company brings to the corporate competitive table. Your company will need marketing services to thrive, whether you hire an in-house marketing professional who has years of marketing experience under their belt, or you decide to outsource the marketing of your company to a company that specializes in marketing services, here is a list of companies that provide top notch marketing services to help your business grow.
Google Ads is a marketing tool created by Google to help make your company website become more visible on the internet and get you business in front of the targeted customer and clients you want to provide services to. Of course google ads is a paid service so you will have to spend money to make money but don’t panic! There are payment plans for you business owners who work on a tight budget.
Mail Chimp is an email marketing platform that allows business owners to put together email marketing lists, market campaigns for newsletters and other online marketing materials for advertising the goods and services provided by your company and any updates you would like for your recipients to subscribe to. Mail chimp is also a paid service that has payment plans to make their marketing services more affordable for their users.
Yelp is another useful platform/resource for marketing your business because yelp gives business owners the opportunity to have their business listed on yelp’s online directory where the business owner will have their very own business page which can also be linked to business owner’s company website so that traffic is directed to the business owners webpage.
The Better Business Bureau is a private organization provides a marketplace for businesses to have the company listed in their online directory where their services can be found by prospective clients and customers. More information on the better business bureau can be found on their website.
There are many other resources for marketing services available with a little online research but to keep things brief for the purposes of this blog post I only cover the above 4 marketing resources.

Financial Management services are another resource to help grow your business and as a business owner there are so many options to choose from when it comes to managing your company finances. You can either hire a team of financial employees or you can utilize the following automated financial management services.
Quick Books is a well-known and commonly used platform to help business owners manage and track their company expenses, set up invoices, track hours worked, manage bills and much more.
Square is a financial services company that gives businesses the freedom and flexibility to process payments from their clients and customers.
Lending Tree is a website where business owners can connect with multiple loan operators to find optimal terms for loans, credit cards, deposit accounts, insurance. Plus compare costs of other financial products and services.
Gusto is an online platform that helps business owners manage all their payroll and HR expenses calculate taxes and wages using their system’s built-in financial calculator track the time and attendance of their employees and manage employee benefits. Gusto even has a feature which helps business owners locate accountants.

Communication Services are another resource to help business owners grow their business. There are a number of useful platforms business owners can either download for free or pay for through third party service providers.
Microsoft Teams is a platform that can be downloaded for free on any desktop, laptop, smartphone or tablet. With Microsoft Teams at your disposal, you can set up and schedule meetings using the calendar feature, share and send files assign and facilitate breakout rooms during meetings and send messages to all your staff.
Slack is another platform that can be downloaded for free where business owners can communicate and connect with their staff members and send messages to one another.
Zoom One of the most popular and commonly used platforms gives both business owners the ability to have virtual meetings and video calls with their staffing no matter where they are throughout the country. Zoom can also assign break out room for smaller meetings. Once you create an account with Zoom business owners can send a link to invite all their staff members to the meeting.
Google Meet Similar to Zoom Google Meet also allows business owners the ability to have video calls and webinars with their staff members send and share files due to the fact that Google meet is automatically available to download once you have created a Google/Gmail account. Other Communication services that can help grow your business are.

Cloud storage Services The fifth and final resource to help business owners grow their business which allow business owners to save and share file information with their staff members. There are a wide variety of apps and platform that can be downloaded for free such as Dropbox, Google Drive, Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft One Drive just to name a few.
Original Foster Design is a freelance Graphic Design company that provides Boston businesses & non-profits quality graphic design services in print media, logos, websites, posters, flyers, social media templates, banners, brochures, t-shirts, and corporate branding. For everything from custom t-shirts to web design, contact us today!